
Olga Ząbroń Tangential  / Convergent

ARTzona / Ośrodek Kultury im. C. K. Norwida / os. Górali 5 / Kraków

exibition Tangential  / Convergent  / Olga Ząbroń / 13-27.01.2023 


curator: Ernest Ogórek

The works presented in the exhibition date from 2021-22 and are constructed from rhythms of diverging and approaching jittery lines, the arrangements of which suggest the pursuit of geometric order. The duality of structures, evident in the compositions, is "reflection" of pulsating forces, not the symmetry of an arrangement. The vibrating colour patch, the contact of elusive spaces, were areas of painterly interest for me as early as 2010. The paintings created at that time depicted geometric figures with a fading boundary. 

The most recent works, pulsating with the rhythmic division of the plane, are suspended in time, frozen between appearance and disappearance. They are no longer, as before, full of anxious scratches, but full of gentle runs of
lines. Each of the paintings has a climax, an area to which the line systems aspire or from which they begin their course. The close connections, however, remain at a kind of distance. Tangential images. Elusive. Moved.


Olga Ząbroń

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Olga Ząbroń
She was born in 1985 in Kraków. Graduated from the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. She defended her diploma with honours in Prof. Leszek Misiak's studio. She was a scholarship holder at the Athens School of Fine Arts in Greece (2008-2009).

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