Dawid Królicki — Po linii do celu
W Przyziemiu Gallery / ul. Starowiślna 36 / Kraków
Dawid Królicki / exibition "On the line to the goal" / 15.11- 08.12.2024
curator: Paulina Mazurek
On the line to the goal
A line – a set of points, a graphic symbol, one of the primary concepts of geometry – is a constant challenge for Dawid Królicki, which determines and defines subsequent actions. Although obsessions are usually associated with something stormy and chaotic, the artist's fixation on the line is in this case meticulous, orderly, or even linear. It leads him through a series of formal experiments and provokes him to set himself new tasks.
The exhibition ‘Po linia do celu’ is an invitation behind the scenes of this path of development and a record of the research process, the horizon of which is defined by the understanding of the meaning and characteristics of the line. Królicki presents the next stops on this path, from intuitive actions to ordered, planned structures. Starting with the first step on the line, the first contact with geometric abstraction and confrontation with the new matter of art for the artist, he leads us to the latest realizations. In between are 10 years of creative exploration and continuous development.
Initially, the artist used linear forms intuitively, automatically, as it were, outside of consciousness. Over time, he began to notice the presence of lines in his work and submitted to them with full premeditation. Analyzing his actions, one can see that the line guides him more than he guides it – it introduces order, dynamizes forms, and his art takes on an increasingly distinct direction.
The artist's struggles with the line are marked by curiosity and experiment. As part of his doctorate, he faces a formal problem, exposes himself to a test of collision with the spatiality of the line, fighting with its matter and idea. Playing with form and content, he sets himself successive tasks and asks successive riddles. Those that he managed to solve are presented in this exhibition. He confronts the line understood as structure, matter, form, and finally as dynamics. He analyzes it insightfully as a drawing space, continuity, or space-time. He leans over the line that builds relations of forms; over the structure of the line that creates a plane and then the form of the object. He contrasts his linear structures with the organic shapes of nature. He uses lines to give direction to found objects used in his works.
Each of the sculptures presented here has its own meaning in this process, it is a reaction to the question posed by the artist, the result of analysis, the effect of tested solutions and the improvement of adopted methods. One completed task led to another, and after each answer developed the question followed: what next?
The development of all previous activities is the kinetic sculpture that crowns the exhibition – the culmination of the research process, an attempt to close the stage of searching. The inspiration from space visible in the object announces that it may be another step into the unknown, an opening to a new infinity of tasks and solutions waiting further.
Paulina Mazurek
photos: love idaa